Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Prawn Bento

I made lots of creations with croissant (just click on the croissant at the Label area), but I thought this tiny prawn made of mini croissant is so cute. I only add cheese and nori for the eyes, so simple.

Details as below :

For my year 3 son, I prepared :
1. "Prawn" mini croissant
2. Beef and prawn dumpling
3. Broccoli
4. Iris sausage
5. Corn on the cob
6. Sultana & dried apricot
7. Kiwi fruit for recess

And for my pre-primary son, I prepared :
1. "Prawn" mini croissant
2. Beef and prawn dumpling
3. Corn on the cob
4. Irish sausage
5. Carrot sticks
6. Sultana & dried apricot
7. Honey dew cuts for recess

You may get similar cute foodpicks here :

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